London Preview of Upcoming DVD on September 29 Source: Barbican Centre, Sarah Harvey Publicity press release Special Thanks to Helene Muron JAPANIMATION: DEVIL MAY CRY (Debiru mei Kurai, 2007) Tuesday 29 September, 6.15pm Dir. Shin Itagaki 3 x 30 min episodes In Japanese with English subtitles Cert. 15 Marking the UK DVD release of the anime series DEVIL MAY CRY in October, anime expert Helen McCarthy (The Anime! Movie Guide, Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation, and founder of the magazine AnimeFX) will present a preview of episodes from the spellbinding television series based on Capcom’s popular game. Meet the Strawberry Sundae-eating half human demon hunter Dante who is hired through his mercenary business, ‘Devil May Cry’, to save the world. In the first episode, the supernatural mercenary becomes bodyguard to protect a young orphaned heiress from demons sent by fortune hunters to kill her. ‘Highway Star’ sees Dante reluctantly accept a mission to stop a possessed motorcycle, Red Eye, which haunts the motorway. In ‘Not Love’ the mayor’s daughter is involved with a suspected devil and Dante must face the question of whether humans and devils can ever be together. Ticket prices Book online and save up to £2 off every ticket! Standard: £7.50 online (£9.50 full price) Barbican Members: £6.50 online (£7.50 full price) Concessions: £7.50 Under 15: £4.50 Barbican Centre Cinema Hotline: 0845 120 7527