The GODZILLA MINUS ONE VFX team of Tatsuji Nojima, Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya and Masaki Takahashi with their Godzillas at the Academy Awards. Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. Godzilla TM & ©TOHO CO., LTD.
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Special Thanks to Takehiro Yamamoto
Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. Godzilla TM & ©TOHO CO., LTD.
Toho has provided SciFi Japan with their official press release and photos regarding GODZILLA MINUS ONE (ゴジラ-1.0/ゴジラマイナスワン, Gojira Mainasu Wan) winning the Oscar for best visual effects at the 2024 Academy Awards. In addition, the Prime Minister’s Office of Japan has released a statement, congratulating GODZILLA MINUS ONE and THE BOY AND THE HERON for their Oscars wins.
SciFi Japan is pleased to share both announcements in English and Japanese.
For additional information and photos from Toho International and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for GODZILLA MINUS ONE's win please see the earlier coverage here on SciFi Japan.
A First for an Asian Film!!
GODZILLA MINUS ONE Wins "Best Visual Effects" at the 96th Academy Awards!!
第 96 回アカデミー賞 『ゴジラ-1.0』が「視覚効果賞」を受賞!!
Thank you for your continued support.
Ever since it first appeared in 1954, the monster Godzilla has fascinated and shocked not only Japan but the world. His 70th anniversary work, GODZILLA MINUS ONE, is a special milestone as it is the 30th live-action version of Godzilla produced in Japan and the first Godzilla in "Reiwa". It was released on November 3, 2023 (Friday, national holiday), "Godzilla Day! "
In the 122 days of its release through Sunday, March 3, it drew 3.92 million viewers and earned over 6 billion yen at the box office! It became the No. 1 live-action film released in Japan in 2023 (Kogyo Tsushinsha survey), making it a "Godzilla-level" blockbuster!
In North America, the film was screened for 63 days until Thursday, February 1 (local time), and its final box office gross was $56.41 million. It broke the box office record for a live-action Japanese film released in North America and became the highest-grossing film of all time. It also ranked third among all foreign-language live-action films released in North America.
In addition, it created a “Godzilla whirlwind” around the world, with cumulative worldwide box office revenue exceeding 16 billion yen (*) including Japanese box office revenue! (*Converted at current exchange rates)
平素よりお世話になっております。1954 年に初めて姿を現して以来、日本のみならず世界中を魅了し、衝撃を与え続 けてきた怪獣「ゴジラ」。その 70 周年記念作品であり、日本製作の実写版ゴジラ 30 作品目という特別な節目、さらに は“令和”で最初のゴジラとなる最新作「ゴジラ-1.0」が 2023 年 11 月 3 日(金・祝)、“ゴジラの日”に公開!
3 月 3 日(日)までの公開122日間で観客動員392万人、興行収入60億円を突破! 2023 年に日 本で公開された実写映画ランキングで第 1 位!(※興行通信社調べ)となる“ゴジラ級”の大ヒットを記録中です。
北米では現地時間の 2 月1日(木)までの63日間で上映が終了し、最終興行収入は 5641 万ドル。北米で公 開された邦画実写映画の興行収入記録を大きく塗り替え、歴代1位。北米公開の外国語の実写映画の歴代興収の 中でも 3 位という記録を残しました。そのほか、世界各地で“ゴジラ旋風”を巻き起こし、日本興収も含めた全世界累 計の興行収入で160 億円(※)を突破しております!(※現時点のレートで換算)
Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. ©TOHO CO., LTD.
The 96th Academy Awards", the World's Most Prestigious Film Awards, Were Held in Los Angeles, USA. At the Award Ceremony that Began at 4:00 p.m. local time on March 10th (8:00 a.m. on March 11th Japan time)...
We won the “Visual Effects Award”!!
アメリカ・ロサンゼルスで開催され、世界最高峰の映画賞である 「第 96 回アカデミー賞」。現地時間 3 月 10 日 16 時(日本時間 3 月 11 日 8 時)より始まった授賞式において、
The team shows off their Godzilla shoes to the press. Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. Godzilla TM & ©TOHO CO., LTD.
The Academy Award for Visual Effects is an honor given to the film with the best visual effects (VFX) in the year in which it was released. It is one of the most coveted categories at the Academy Awards. Past winners have included such cinematic masterpieces as STAR WARS, TITANIC, and AVATAR.
Attending the Academy Awards ceremony as representatives of the nominated work were director/scriptwriter/VFX director Takashi Yamazaki, VFX director Kiyoko Shibuya, 3DCG director Masanori Takahashi, and effects artist/compositor Tatsuji Nojima. All four appeared around 1:00 p.m. local time wearing "Godzilla shoes"! It greatly excited the local media who came to cover the event!!
In the middle of the ceremony, the "Visual Effects Award" was finally announced. Presenters Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito opened the envelope with the winning film and, after a short pause, read out "GODZILLA!"
The audience cheered loudly as the four award winners stepped up to the podium with joyful expressions on their faces. Director Yamazaki gave a speech in English on behalf of the winners.
「視覚効果賞」(Academy Award for Visual Effects)はその年に公開された映画の中で最も優れた視覚 効果(VFX)を用いた作品に与えられる栄誉で、アカデミー賞で最も注目される部門のひとつ。過去には『ス ターウォーズ』、『タイタニック』、『アバター』などの映画史を代表する傑作が受賞してきました。
ノミネート作品代表者としてアカデミー賞授賞式に参加したのは、監督・脚本・VFX を担当し た山崎貴、VFX ディレクターの渋谷紀世子、3DCG ディレクターの髙橋正紀、エフェクトアー ティスト/コンポジターの野島達司の 4 名。現地時間 13 時頃、4 名は全員“ゴジラシューズ” を履いて登場! 取材に来た現地のメディアを大いに沸かせました!!
そして授賞式の中盤、いよいよ「視覚効果賞」の発表に。プレゼンターであるアーノルド・シ ュワルツェネッガー、ダニー・デヴィートは受賞作の書かれた封筒を開け、少し沈黙した後に 「GODZILLA!」と読み上げました!
会場中に大きな歓声が響き渡り、その中で歓喜の表情を浮かべながら壇上に上がる受賞 者 4 名。代表して、英語でスピーチをした山崎監督は
Takashi Yamazaki at the Governor's Ball. Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. Godzilla TM & ©TOHO CO., LTD.
Takashi Yamazaki's Speech: Official English Version
My career began 40 years ago, after the shock of seeing STAR WARS and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND. To someone so far from Hollywood, even the possibility of standing on this stage seemed out of reach.
The moment we were nominated, we felt like Rocky Balboa — welcomed into the ring as equals by our biggest rivals, which was already a miracle.
But here we stand.
To all the VFX artists outside Hollywood, Hollywood was listening, and this award is proof that everyone has a chance.
Finally, on behalf of the cast and crew of GODZILLA MINUS ONE, I want to tell our producer, Shuji Abe, who we’ve lost too soon...
We did it!
Thank you so much!!
【日本語訳】(Takashi Yamazaki's Speech: Japanese Translation)
四十年以上前に『スターウォーズ』と『未知との遭遇』を見たショックからキャリアをスタートさ せた私にとって、この場所は望む事すら想像しなかった場所でした。
強大なライバルたちの前でリン グに立たせてもらえた事はすでに奇跡でした。
この場所から遠く離れた所で VFX を志しているみんな! ハリウッドが君たちにも挑戦権が ある事を証明してくれたよ!
最後にスタッフキャストを代表して、去年失った我々のプロデュ―サー、阿部秀司さんに言 いたいです。
Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. ©TOHO CO., LTD.
In the long history of the Academy Awards, only Stanley Kubrick (2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY) won the "Visual Effects Award" as a director. Yamazaki is the second director in 55 years to receive this award!
In addition, no other Asian film, not only a Japanese film, has ever won this award, and this is a first-of-its-kind achievement that will change the history of cinema!
長い歴史を持つ「アカデミー賞」の中で、監督として「視覚効果賞」を受賞したのは『2001 年宇宙の旅』のスタンリー・キューブリックのみであり、山崎監督は 55 年ぶり、史上 2 人目の受賞監督です!!
Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. ©TOHO CO., LTD.
Congratulatory Message from Prime Minister Kishida on the Awarding of Oscars to Japanese Films at the 96th Academy Awards
A closer look at the Godzilla shoes. Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. Godzilla TM & ©TOHO CO., LTD.
At the 96th Academy Awards in the United States, Oscars were awarded to THE BOY AND THE HERON, directed by MIYAZAKI Hayao, for best animated feature and GODZILLA MINUS ONe, directed by YAMAZAKI Takashi, for best visual effects.
I extend my heartfelt congratulations and express my deep respect for the great efforts that were made by everyone involved in these films’ success.
I believe these works, based in the free imagination and sharp insight of Mr. Miyazaki and the technical and expressive excellence of Mr. Yamazaki, resonated with a tremendous number of people regardless of national borders or language and evoked feelings of wonder while moving people emotionally.
Japan’s arts and content, including its films, have become familiar to people all around the world and evaluated highly.
The Government will further strengthen its efforts to communicate Japan’s highly appealing culture to the world while also boosting the support it provides for innovative activities by creators.
March 11, 2024
Prime Minister
内閣総理大臣 岸田 文雄
Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. ©TOHO CO., LTD.
Photo courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd. ©TOHO CO., LTD.
About Toho Co. Ltd.
Toho Company provides high-quality entertainment to a wide range of customers through its film production, distribution, and exhibition business, which is solidly supported by its real estate business including the Shinjuku Toho Building and Hibiya Chante, animation production, DVD software production and sales, and TOHO Cinemas' efforts to expand its network of multiplex cinemas. Among these, "Godzilla," which has been around since 1954, is Toho's flagship IP that has many fans around the world and has been loved for many years.