SciFi Japan

    Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX Press Notes and Images From Bandai Namco Filmworks

    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Source: Bandai Namco Filmworks
    Official Site: (Japan), (North America)
    Special Thanks to Mariko Takagi, Maiku Nishimura, Neo Takaoka and Oki Miyano


    Bandai Namco Filmworks has provided SciFi Japan with press notes and pics from the highly-anticipated new anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX (機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX, Kidō Senshi Gundam GQuuuuuuX). The show will air on Japanese television later this year, with a US release TBA.

    On January 17th, Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- (機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-, Kidō Senshi Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-) -- a feature film comprised of select episodes of the series -- opened in Japanese theaters. GKIDS has acquired North American rights to the movie and will release it in American theaters on February 28th.

    The following text is courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks...

    Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- movie art. Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    khara x SUNRISE, a crossing of dreams

    studio khara and SUNRISE team up for the first time to bring you GQuuuuuX.

    The new Gundam series Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX is here!

    カラー×サンライズ 夢が、交わる。
    スタジオカラー×サンライズの初タッグでお届けする ジークアクス
    新たなガンダムシリーズ『機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX 』 始動!


    studio khara, ceator of the “Evangelion” series, and SUNRISE, which produces the “Gundam” series, present a new Gundam series, Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX.

    The series is scheduled to be broadcast on the Nippon Television Network, and is directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki, the director of EVANGELION:3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME (シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版𝄇, Shin Evangerion Gekijōban, 2021) and the other "Rebuild of Evangelion" (シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版, Evangerion Shin Gekijōban, 2007-21) films, with series composition and scriptwriting by Yoji Enokido (REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA, FLCL) and mechanical design by Ikuto Yamashita (EVANGELION), among other talented staff members.

    Ahead of the broadcast, Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX -Beginning-, which has been reconstructed for theatrical screening, is currently a huge hit.

    We hope you will take note of these works that will breathe new life into the series.


    「エヴァンゲリオン」シリーズを手掛けるスタジオカラーと、ガンダムシリーズを手掛けるサンライ ズでお届けする新たなガンダムシリーズ「機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX』。

    日本テレビ系列にてTVシリーズ放送を予定しており、2021年公開の『シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場 版』をはじめとする『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版』シリーズにて監督を務めた鶴巻和哉が本作の監督を 務め、シリーズ構成・脚本 榎戸洋司、メカニカルデザイン 山下いくと をはじめとする豪華スタッフ陣 でお届けします。

    放送に先駆け、一部話数を劇場上映用に再構築した『機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-』が大ヒット上映中。


    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE


    Amate Yuzuriha is a high-school student living peacefully in a space colony floating in outer space.

    When she meets a girl named Nyaan, Amate is drawn into the illegal mobile suit dueling sport known as Clan Battle.

    Under the entry name "Machu," she throws herself into fierce battle day after day, piloting the GQuuuuuuX. Then an unidentified Gundam mobile suit pursued by both the space force and the police appears before her, along with its pilot, a boy named Shuji.

    Now their world is about to enter a new era.


    宇宙に浮かぶスペース・ コロニーで平穏に暮らしていた女子高生アマテ・ユズリハは、少女ニャアンと出会ったことで、非合法なモビルスーツ決闘競技《クランバト ル》 に巻き込まれる。

    エントリーネーム《マチュ》を名乗るアマテは、GQuuuuuuXを駆り、 苛烈なバトルの日々に身を投じていく。

    同じ頃、 宇宙軍と警察の双方から追われていた正体不明のモビルスーツ《ガンダム》と、 そのパイロットの少年シュウジが彼女の前に姿を現す。

    そして、 世界は新たな時代を迎えようとしていた。



    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Main Character: Amate Yuzuriha (MACHU)

    Amate Yuzuriha is a high-school student who is known as "Machu." She has always felt that her daily life in a peaceful colony was somehow false. After meeting Nyaan, she becomes the pilot of the GQuuuuuuX and begins participating in Clan Battle.


    主人公 アマテ・ユズリハ(マチュ)











    Character Voice: Tomoyo Kurosawa

    This is Tomoyo Kurosawa. I’m very pleased to play the role of Machu. During the recording session, I had a bona-fide contact with the DNA of “Gundam” and was overwhelmed by its dynamism and level of passion, but I did my best. This anime is really intense. Director Tsurumaki’s ideology overflows from the screen. I’m earnestly looking forward to its release.



    マチュを演じさせていただきました。黒沢ともよです。 制作現場で改めて”ガンダム“という遺伝子に触れ、その力強さ、そして熱量 に打ちひしがれながらも、必死につとめさせていただきました。 鶴巻監督イズムが画面中から溢れるハイカロリーな本作、いまは只々公開を 楽しみにしています。


    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE


    A courier who smuggles illegal goods. When Nyaan's homeland was turned into a battlefield and she became a refugee, she escaped her colony alone in a petit mobile suit, with no time to even check on the safety of her family. Luckily, she was picked up by a ship and brought to the colony where Machu lives. Her number one priority is to survive.



    非合法な運び屋をしている少女。故郷が戦場となり難民となった時、幼い彼女 は家族の安否を確認する暇もなく、単身プチ・モビルスーツでコロニーを脱出。 運よく船に拾われてマチュの住むコロニーに来た。最優先事項は生き抜くこと。









    CV: Yui Ishikawa

    Nyaan used to be a refugee and is not very good at communicating with others, but she has the strength to live her life on her own. When she becomes friends with someone for virtually the first time in her life, then how would she get involved with them? Even we, actors, were unable to predict the ending at all until the very end! Please look forward to the “Mobile Suit Gundam” that studio khara created!



    元難民のニャアンは、人とコミュニケーションをとるのが苦手ですが、それでも一人 で生き抜いてきた力のある子です。 そんな彼女に初めてとも言える友達ができ、どう巻き込まれていくのか。わ たし達もどんな結末を迎えるのか最後まで全く予想できませんでした!スタ ジオカラーさんと作る『機動戦士 Gundam』、是非お楽しみに!


    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Shuji Itō

    A mysterious boy who appears before Machu and Nyaan. Shuji is wanted by the military police for painting graffiti all over the outer walls of the colony. He participates in Clan Battle in order to earn money for a certain purpose, and becomes Machu's Mav.



    マチュとニャアンの前に現れた不思議な少年。あちこちのコロニーの外壁にグ ラフィティを描き、軍警から指名手配されている。ある目的のため、お金を稼 ぐために《クランバトル》に参加。マチュのマヴとなる。









    CV: Shimba Tsuchiya

    When I heard I had passed the audition for this project, that was a real bolt out of the blue. At a glance, Shuji is so elusive he even seems to have some mysterious personality, but the words he weaves together are something factual to him and very natural within himself. He is nothing but an ordinary youth, and I worked on his dialogue by respecting such feeling. I would ask you to reflect on it from various angles.



    本作のオーディションの合格は、僕にとってはまさに青天の霹靂でした。一 見するとつかみどころがなく不思議ちゃん的印象のシュウジですが、彼が紡 ぐ言葉は彼にとっての事実であり、彼の中では当然のこと。あくまでも普通 の少年としての感覚を大切に、台詞を紡ぎました。ぜひいろいろと考察して 下さい!




    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE

    Photo courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks. ©SOTSU・SUNRISE


    A mysterious state-of-the-art mobile suit piloted by Machu. It participates in Clan Battle as part of the Pomeranians.















    Kazuya Tsurumaki

    Animation Director/Animator

    Tsurumaki was born in Niigata Prefecture in 1966. He works for khara Co., Ltd. After debuting as an animator at Studio Giants, he moved to Gainax. He participated as a key animator on the TV series NADIA: THE SECRET OF BLUE WATER (ふしぎの海のナディア, Fushigi no Umi no Nadia, 1990-91) and directed the LD-BOX bonus video NADIA BONUS THEATER (ナディア・おまけ劇場, Nadia Omake Gekijō). After that, he directed the LD-BOX bonus video NEW AIM FOR THE TOP SCIENCE LESSON (新トップをねらえ! 科学講 座, Shin Toppu o Nerae! Kagakukōza) for the OVA GUNBUSTER aka AIM FOR THE TOP! (ト ップをねらえ!, Toppu o Nerae!, 1988-89).

    He contributed to the TV series NEON GENESIS EVANGELION (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン, Shinseiki Evangerion, 1995-96) as an assistant director and was also involved in the design and setting. His first full-scale original works, the OVA FLCL (フリクリ, Furikuri, 2000-01) and DIEBUSTER aka AIM FOR THE TOP 2! (トップを ねらえ2!, Toppu o Nerae 2!, 2004-06), were supported by many fans for their unique characters and worldview.

    He participated in the web-based anime series JAPAN ANIMATOR EXPO (日本アニメ(ーター)見本市, Nihon Animētā Mihon'ichi, 2014-15) (studio khara, Dwango) as director, storyboard artist, and character designer, and also directed THE DRAGON DENTIST (龍の歯医 者, Ryū no Haisha) which aired on NHK BS Premium in February 2017.

    For the "Rebuild of Evangelion" series, including EVANGELION:3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME released in 2021, he worked as a director as well as a storyboard artist and design artist.

    監督 鶴巻和哉


    1966年、新潟県生まれ。株式会社カラー所属。 スタジオジャイアンツでアニメーターとしてデビュー後、ガイナック スに移籍。 TVシリーズ『ふしぎの海のナディア』に原画として参加し、LD-BOX 特典映像『ナディア・おまけ劇場』で演出を担当。その後、OVA『ト ップをねらえ!』のLD-BOX特典映像『新トップをねらえ! 科学講 座』で初監督を務める。

    TVシリーズ『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』では副監督としてシリーズに 貢献し、デザインや設定にも関わった。 初の本格的なオリジナル作品であるOVA『フリクリ』や、『トップを ねらえ2!』では、独特のキャラクターと世界観が多くのファンに支 持された。

    WEB配信アニメシリーズ『日本アニメ(ーター)見本市』(スタジオカ ラー・ドワンゴ)では、監督、画コンテ、キャラクター原案として参 加し、また2017年2月にNHK BSプレミアムで放送された『龍の歯医 者』でも監督を務めた。

    2021年公開の『シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版』をはじめとする『ヱ ヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版』シリーズでは、監督を務めながら、画コン テやデザインワークスでも活躍。



    Original Story: Hajime Yatate, Yoshiyuki Tomino
    Director: Kazuya Tsurumaki
    Series Composition: Yoji Enokido
    Screenplay: Yoji Enokido, Hideaki Anno
    Character Design: take
    Mechanical Design: Ikuto Yamashita
    Animation Character Design and Supervising Character Animation Directors: Yumi Ikeda, Shie Kobori
    Animation Mechanical Design and Supervising Mechanical Animation Director: Sejoon Kim

    Production: studio khara, SUNRISE
    Distribution (Japan): TOHO CO., LTD., Bandai Namco Filmworks
    Advertising: Bandai Namco Filmworks, Shochiku Co., Ltd., khara, inc., Nippon Television Network Corporation, TOHO CO., LTD.
    Produced by: Bandai Namco Filmworks


    アニメーションメカニカルデザイン・メカニカル総作画監督:金 世俊




    About Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc.

    We at Bandai Namco Filmworks develop and produce film & video titles. We not only distribute them through various media such as television, movie theaters and Internet streaming but also bring them to fans throughout the world by licensing and managing their copyrights, developing and marketing flim&video-related merchandise and other services. As a comprehensive entertainment enterprise handling the A to Z of flim&video business, we continue to create “Awesome works" and make them readily available to everyone.

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