SciFi Japan

    DEATH KAPPA Trailer

    Trailer for the new Japanese giant monster movie DEATH KAPPA. © 2010 Fever Dreams

    Coming to US DVD and Blu-Ray this Summer Source: Media Blasters Special Thanks to Richard York Media Blasters has released the English language trailer for DEATH KAPPA, a new Tokyo Shock original film produced with Fever Dreams Japan. DEATH KAPPA is an "old school" daikaiju movie from the creators of cult favorites THE MACHINE GIRL, DEATH TRANCE and TOKYO GORE POLICE and director Tomoo Haraguchi, the celebrated make-up, creature and effects master whose credits include the last four Gamera films, ASHURA, UZUMAKI, RING 0, Showtime`s MASTERS OF HORROR series. and REIGO: THE DEEP-SEA MONSTER VS THE BATTLESHIP YAMATO. Haraguchi has also directed a handful of films such as MIKADROID, SAKUYA, and KIBAKICHI. The kappa, in Japanese folklore, are water goblins that are closely associated with a certain town in the country. Unfortunately, the area is also home to a militant splinter group of researchers dedicated to developing amphibious super soldiers based on the kappa of legends. When their experiments result in murders by some escapees, the appearance of an actual kappa, and the triggering of an atomic bomb, the consequences are of epic proportions. A monster arrives in the midst of the nuclear fallout, and Japan`s defenses are helpless against it. Mankind`s only savior is an irradiated water goblin that is on the rampage with death in its eyes. Tokyo Shock will release DEATH KAPPA on DVD and Blu-Ray in America on July 27th.

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