Source: Takarajimasha, Inc.
The wave of Japanese books celebrating Godzilla`s 60th anniversary continues with Godzilla Completely Deciphered (???????, Gojira Kanzen Kaidoku), coming this week from Takarajimasha. The book features a history of the Godzilla tokusatsu film series with ranging from Godzilla and biotechnology, Godzilla and the Cthulhu mythos, to the new Hollywood GODZILLA and the future of science fiction and FX films. Also included are profiles of the Toho films and monsters with photos and detailed data examining each from perspectives of science fiction, horror and fantasy. Publisher: Takarajimasha, Inc. Language: Japanese Size: B5 ISBN: 978-4800228963 Release Date: June 26, 2014 Price: ?1,512 (Approximately $14.81 US)