2009 TV Kaiju Movie on Japanese DVD and Blu-ray with English Subtitles Author: James Bonney Official Site: Geharha (Japan) Special Thanks to James Ballard SPOILER WARNING: This article contains plot details and images from a new movie.
GEHARHA: THE DARK AND LONG HAIR MONSTER (Chouhatsu Daikaiju Gehara, 2009), the short, shot for television film that tells the bizarre story of a mysterious monster that rises up from the depths to wreak havoc on Japan has been released onto DVD in it`s native country. It is a treat for kaiju fans worldwide... that is if you can get past region code blockage and the rather expensive conversion rates and shipping, which is a typical situation amongst foreign buyers of Japanese DVDs. The beauty of this film is it is crammed with numerous homages to the "Kaiju Boom" of the 1960`s, which I will point out throughout the review. It is worth mentioning from the get go that the first shot is a faded and grainy logo for NHK Television Network (the network responsible for the production and airing of the film) together with the all too iconic music of composer legend Akira Ifukube, with cues from King Records` "The Artistry of Akira Ifukube" CD series. Although the particular soundtrack for this film is unfamiliar to me, fans who know his classical work will find several familiar pieces.
GEHARHA starts off out at sea with a scene that looks right out of Toho`s WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS (Furankenshutain no Kaiju: Sanda tai Gaira, 1966). Two men on a small fishing boat are having engine problems, and we learn rather quickly that the cause of these problems is a large, hairy object slowly rising out of the sea. It destroys the ship, letting loose with a great roar. Following the film`s introduction credits we meet the protagonist of the film, a newspaper reporter named Hideo Akihara (Ken Osawa) who is at home lazily watching the news while his sister (Mina Fujii) and mother set up for breakfast. Right off the bat, Hideo raises suspicion towards the story of the salvaged ship covered in long, black strands of hair, "Almost as if it was sunk by a hairy monster". His family is quick to dismiss his talk as nonsense, stating that it is impossible for a monster to exist in today`s day and age. Unconvinced, he rushes out the door, toast in mouth, to the hospital where a survivor named Kubo (GAMERA THE BRAVE`s Kanji Tsuda) has been taken. The now hairless sailor is in shock repeating the words "hair" over and over, it is here we meet Dr. Murakami, played by Godzilla film veteran Shiro Sano, who seems very superstitious as he too immediately claims it to be the work of a sea creature, or rather the specter `Kenukegen`, a hairy doglike creature from yokai lore. His calming explanation to the press is interrupted as the patient rises from his bed and literally rips Murakami`s hair from his head in a rage.
Inspired by Dr. Murakami`s theory, Hideo heads to the Japanese mountains where he comes across a forest temple labeled the "Geharha Shrine". The local inhabitants are all bald with the exception of the head priest played by cult favorite Tomorowo Taguchi (another alumni of GAMERA THE BRAVE) who, in a scene right out of VARAN THE UNBELIEVABLE (Daikaiju Baran, 1958) stops his praying to question the outsider who simply asks the townsfolk if they know anything about this creature Geharha. Hideo`s request is enough for the villagers to chase the man away while screaming of Geharha`s curse. Their running is soon halted, however, as Hideo stumbles upon some wreckage by the local river. "The seal has been broken!, nobody can stop the great Geharha!" the priest explains. At Yase Cliff on the Noto Peninsula, two lover`s vacation photography is interrupted by a giant figure in the background who, in the blink of an eye, rises up and tears the entire cliff side back down with him! With news reports of a blackout and trees being mowed down in a straight line, the name "Geharha" is mentioned repeatedly from press agents all around the world. Dr. Murakami explains to the press that the monster is sure to blame (and keep an eye on his mannerisms as he quickly realizes his tie is out of his jacket and tucks it in, a gesture he also did in GODZILLA 2000 as a nod to Dr. Kyohei Yamane from the original GODZILLA). Through press reports and newspaper clippings we learn that Geharha has come ashore around the Kanazawa region and, leaving a hairy trail of destruction in his wake, is heading toward the capital city. Hideo`s sister and mother are evacuated amongst the other civilians of the city.

While Dr. Murakami meets with the army to discuss a means to destroy the monster, a TV reporter covers the monster`s advance as young Japanese hippies in the background— strangely unshaken by this news— seem more interested in getting their dance moves on camera. Their fun is quickly turned into dread however as the head of the monster rises from behind the Kanazawa Station. The crowd runs in panic as Geharha angrily tries to destroy the brightly lit building. In a truly breathtaking sequence that looks like it can be straight out of the film CLOVERFIELD, Geharha advances on the fleeing reporter, crushing her as well as the spectators with a piece of the station he had torn out with his mouth. Enter the army who appear in numerous tanks and empty all their shells on the monster, seemingly not hurting him but still managing to annoy him. They only manage to shoot off pieces of his hair which hit the ground, releasing toxic fumes from the hair. The gas is inhaled by the soldiers and drives them crazy, forcing everyone to run for cover and the army to retreat. The Army concludes that it is impossible to inflict any damage on Geharha due to his hair cushioning the blows of the tanks. If only here was a way to get the hair out of the way...
Seemingly out of nowhere comes an American scientist (Mark Chimery) that claims he has found a way to do just that; the project entitled "Gas Vortical Device Fuji"... a gigantic fan that bears a strikingly similarity to the Markalite Cannon from Toho`s 1957 film THE MYSTERIANS (Chikyu Boeigun). As the fan approaches the monster it starts to spin. "Level Max!" the American scientist yells as he turns the power up, causing the monster`s hair to fly over his face thereby exposing his bald head. Quickly the army launches a full out attack on the monster, driving Geharha back to crash into some nearby buildings. Relieved, the American scientist and the army start rejoicing... all except Dr. Murakami who, in a fashion similar to Dr. Yamane from the original GODZILLA, states that it is humans who are the scariest after all. Geharha rises from the debris, bawling in tears. It is apparent he has finished his attack and wishes to escape as he stumbles out of the city towards his mountains. He almost makes it back to safety when he is bombed by jets, blasting him the mountain and into his lake. With the army declaring the monster dead, Dr. Murikami warns that another Geharha is sure to appear soon if we continue with our environmental destruction. Back on the mountain, Hideo and the townsfolk watch as the waves from Geharha settle. Grieved, the priest explains that it was not Geharha`s fault but rather humans who are the ones being harmful. Agreeing, Hideo admits that Geharha was the victim here as he snaps a final shot with his camera.

With the familiar "Owari" symbol, we end our film. Or do we? Completely out of left field comes a spaceship crashing through the "The End" credit! The ship approaches the lake and, in the exact same manner as done in INVASION OF ASTRO-MONSTER (Kaiju Daisenso, 1965), lifts Geharha out of the lake. Beings aboard the ship have taken control of Geharha and unless the "Terrans" surrender the earth, they will unleash Geharha in a metropolitan area. With Hideo panicking, the priest calmly states "There is a way... and only one way to seal Geharha" as the ship flies away with Geharha in tow. What follows is what seems to be a "teaser trailer" to the second part of the the story; GEHARHA: MONSTER MARTIAL LAW. In a series of quick cuts we see Geharha attacking what appears to be Tokyo, Hideo grasping the sacred seal mentioning it is the only way before handing it off to his sister, Dr. Murikami seemingly turning sides to aid the invaders, Fujin failing it`s second attempt to blow Geharah`s hair away, Geharha`s hair completely engulfs the entire city, jets chase the space ship throughout the city, and finally ending with Hideo`s sister pulling out a scroll in a move that is strangely similar to Hayata prepping his Beta Capsule to become Ultraman.

This movie is most definitely a wild ride and the DVD does not stop there. What is the best part you ask? Well, for starters you have the option to watch the film complete with English subtitles... a rare treat for viewers of Japanese kaiju DVDs! In addition to the subtitles the film is given a director`s cut treatment with an additional 4 minutes added, from 17 to 21 minutes. Unfortunately the bulk of the extra run time is merely just the end credits. Also included is a half hour long making of feature called "The People Who Made Geharha" that, while in Japanese only with no English subtitles, does a great job picking apart every speck from the special effects to casting the roles for GEHARHA. Another extra, "Monster Movie Geharha Special!" from the NHK premiere on February 24th, runs 50 minutes and includes various interviews and segments from PAPHOOO! (Perform!), followed by the 17 minute version of the film. Added to the extras are a trailer for the film, plus an audio commentary by writer Jun Miura, executive producer Shinji Higuchi and director Kiyotaka Taguchi. While I would love to get into more detail regarding the extras, they are in Japanese only so unless you are fluent with the language it serves as little more then a visual treat.

Most people who have heard of this film have no doubt seen it already online, as it has been available streaming on several websites since it`s premiere. What is not known is the amount of detail that is lost on streaming video. Watching it on an official disc made the experience ten times more fun... there is so much detail that is present (plus the subtitles) it almost makes it feel like an entirely different movie! You get to see the flock of crows who seem to be attracted to Geharha, as well as his tearful retreat from the city of Kanazawa, and so much more that appeared as a mere blur previously. And this is just on the standard disc, lets not forget this has been released on Blu-ray as well! If you can afford the cost of the Blu-ray, which retails for ¥4700 (about $50.00 US) in addition to shipping, then do yourself a favor and pick this movie up!
Distributor: King Records Running Time: 21 minutes (directors cut main feature) Format: NTSC Region Code: 2 (Japan, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa only) Audio Track: Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1ch Surround Subtitles: English Aspect Ratio: 16:9 widescreen Special Features • Original broadcast version of GEHARHA • Monster Movie Geharha Special! (originally broadcast on NHK`s PAPHOOO!) • The People Who Made Geharha • Promotional Movie • Audio commentary with Jun Miura, Shinji Higuchi and Kiyotaka Taguchi • First pressings include an original color postcard SRP: ¥3800 Release Date: 09/30/2009
For more photos and information on GEHARHA: THE DARK AND LONG HAIR MONSTER, please see the earlier coverage here on SciFi Japan:
- Win Tickets to MONSTER X STRIKES BACK and GEHARHA at the New York Asian Film Festival
- NYAFF MONSTER X STRIKES BACK and GEHARHA Ticket Winners Announced!
- GEHARHA DVD/Blu-ray Release in Japan with English Subtitles 09/30/09
- CLASSIC DAIKAIJU SPECIAL at Fantasia Film Festival