Source: Terracotta Distribution Special Thanks to Claire Marty On October 13th, Terracotta Distribution will release the South Korean thriller MOEBIUS (????, Moebiuseu, 2013) on DVD and VOD in the United Kingdom. Initially banned, the latest tour-de-force from Cannes-award winning director KIM Ki-duk plays like a warped Greek tragedy. A teenager is caught between his adulterous father and psychotic mother, and an extreme act of revenge forces father and son to deal with its bloody aftermath. This pitch-black study of lust and guilt circles this destructive family whilst questioning one’s basic sexual desires. Directed by Kim Ki-duk (THE ISLE, BAD GUY, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER…AND SPRING, SAMARITAN GIRL, 3-IRON, ARIRANG, PIETA), MOEBIUS stars CHO Jae-hyun (CROCODILE, THE ISLE, BAD GUY, THE WEIGHT) as Father and features strong performances from seventeen-year-old newcomer SEO Young-ju (JUVENILE OFFENDER) and actress LEE Eun-woo, creatively cast as both wife
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